Through the FRC lens
What is FRC? Functional Range Conditioning is a mobility strength training program with the motto “Control yourself.” and “Make shit work nice.” A lot of gym goers don’t (and don’t realize) have proper joint function to begin with, and then load their joints with weight in positions they can’t even own un-loaded… If they do have an expression of full range of motion, they might have more flexibility than their bodies have neurological control over. For example, can you lift your leg over your head using your arm to assist? If the answer is yes, then the question is can you actively lift your leg that high from the ground without assistance? Let’s make up that difference!
Step one, we make the joint a joint, and then step 2, teach the body to have control in its full long and short ranges of motion. The system utilizes ass kicker full range of motion, isometrics, hovers and eccentric loading specific to your body’s weaknesses and compensation patterns.
One of the major take aways from my FRC mobility specialist certification was the lens they look at training through.
We have gotten away from human bodies living and functioning as human bodies, yet program training like bodies are functioning as our ancestral bodies. One example is overhead lifting. We are overhead lifting because everyone in the gym is overhead lifting and Instagram tell us to overhead lift, before we even know if we have the pre-requisite for that movement. Un weighted, without compensation, full and true shoulder flexion. This goes for any exercise, for all of our joints, spine included.
Looking at the why a movement is being performed. From there, taking a look at your mechanics and seeing if that is the right exercise for the way your body moves, or is there a pre-requisite that you need to meet first?
Come on in and check out what you have going on in your body! Let’s see what modifications you could make to your current program to assure you are working in ranges you own and build fully functioning joints and expression of strength to control yourself.
“You will always regret not training the position you got injured in.” - Dr. Andreo Spina